Custom Containers
Container gardening has evolved from a pot of geraniums on your front step to whole gardens on your back patio. The sky is the limit in what you can do with containers. Traditional plant material can be mixed with the unusual. Planting can range from a small pot of pansies in the early spring to a large container overflowing with summer color.
Need Help – Let us do it for you.
Buy or bring in your containers, tell us what you like, sun or shade, color preference and let us design a beautiful potted container for your home. We can change your containers the season for a new and fresh look.
You may also choose from a great selection of grab and go containers professionally designed by our staff.
Custom Potting Service
• Add beautiful accents to your gardens.
• Brighten your home entrance, deck or patio.
• Refresh your own planted containers.
• Create small gardens where space is limited.