BaetensGC_2016Gift Cards

Not sure what to get that hard to buy for friend or family member? Want to give a tree for a special occasion or as a memorial? A Baeten’s Nursery & Greenhouses Gift Certificate is always appreciated. Certificates never expire and never diminish in value. You can phone in to order (859-384-4769), stop in and pick one up.


Fund Raising

Baeten’s Nursery and Greenhouses has a great program for your Non-profit organization. In the past we have ‘grown to order’ flowers for different organizations with success, but the program had it’s limitations with ordering and delivery. However, with the introduction of Gift Cards and overwhelming popularity of people using them we are introducing a brand new type of program to help your group meet its financial goals.

This year we decided to change the way we handle fund raising by offering for sale, Gift Cards, thus eliminating the hassle of ordering and delivery. The cards will have a minimum value of $20.00. They may be redeemed at the convenience of the purchaser at our Garden Center for any item, such as annuals, vegetable plants, perennials, mulch, trees, or shrubs. The card expiration date is always good  and does not decrease in value. For every $20.00 card sold, your organization will receive $3.00 (15%) profit. It is that simple! For the minimal effort of selling the cards and simple accounting, you’ll be offering an item that most homeowners eagerly purchase every year, often in large dollar amounts. Gardening is our nations’ number one hobby and most of us enjoy spending time improving our biggest investment, our homes. Why not take advantage of this opportunity.

This program has the potential for huge profits. (For example: A homeowner may want to re-do or add new landscape, a purchase of $1000.00 of material would be a profit of $150.00 from just one sale.) The possibilities are truly endless and unlimited and can easily become your largest, most anticipated event for the year. (Can you tell we are excited about it?)

We are all bombarded with fund raisers offering items we don’t need and rarely use. Our Gift Cards offer real value for the purchaser and exceptionally good profit for the organization selling them. This is an excellent opportunity for your organization to meet their fund-raising goals throughout the year.

If you would like further information and all the details of the program, please call our Fund Raising Coordinator, Darlene Hoffman, at Baetens Nursery & Greenhouses, 384-GROW (384-4769).