Perennial plants are plants that come back year after year. Most are herbaceous plants with stems and foliage that die to the ground in late fall and then returns to grow again in the spring. Some perennials like Heuchera, Lirope and Hellebores have evergreen foliage that provides nice color and texture throughout the winter. Perennials come in all sizes, colors and textures, some perform best in sun and some in shade and are unbeatable for adding a splash of color to your garden, as well as providing flowers for attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. Perennials are easy to grow if planted correctly.
The time and money spent on preparing the soil before you plant is well worth it. . Perennials generally require a loamy well-drained soil for good growth. Pine Soil Conditioner can be added to improve soil texture, Organic matter in the form of compost, peat, or dehydrated manure is beneficial to provide nutrients and help maintain soil moisture. Soil preparation is important to do BEFORE you plant. Otherwise it becomes very difficult once plants are established.
Which Plant
The right plant for the right spot. Choose which perennials will be best for the area to be planted. While color, height and length of blooming time are all important considerations for the overall look of your garden, they are not the only concerns. Some things to consider are the soil type, wetness of the ground and sun exposer There are perennials that will do well in almost any conditions and others are extremely sensitive to changes in moisture and soil. If you aren’t sure which plants to get, just ask one of our staff and we will be glad to help with your choices.
Container grown perennials can be planted at any time during the growing season. For fall planting, try to plant them early enough (late August-September) for roots to get established before winter.
Carefully remove the container from the root ball of the plant. Inspect roots – if they are encircled from the container, gently loosen them to encourage lateral growth. If the roots are in a dense mat, consider cutting off the bottom an 1” or so. This will stimulate new root growth into the surrounding soil, and will establish more quickly. Appling Preen or Treflan will discourage weed growth. (It will not kill weeds, only prevent their seeds from germinating).
New plantings need to be carefully monitored for water. Checking the first 3-4” of soil will help determine if plants need to be watered. Over-watered and dry plants produce the same ‘wilted’ effect so be sure you are doing the right type of watering. More plants are killed with kindness than neglect.
Soil preparation is the best way to feed your perennials. However, a light application of 5-10-5 is useful in spring for a boost. An application in mid to late summer is helpful if the soil is poor or if spring is exceptionally wet. Do not feed to late so plants have a chance to harden off for winter.
Some perennials eventually do run out of steam. Their growth gets crowded, and they don’t seem to flower as well. At this time you can divide them and replant well-rooted bits for a fresh new start
Most perennials are slow starters. During their first year in your garden, they tend to invest in developing a good root system. Be patient! After that’s established, they grow and expand, and the flower show gets better with each passing year.