What’s New!

Looking for color from late winter through fall, check out the new varieties of  plants that have been around forever but are often overlooked.  As an added bonus all of these plants are of little interest to deer.

Witch Hazel 'Arnolds Promise

Witch Hazel ‘Arnolds Promise


Hamamelis ‘Arnold’s Promise’

Blooms late winter

This Witch Hazel has flowers with wavy clear yellow petals and red cups appear on the bare branches of this unusual shrub, supplying blazing color in late winter. The open, spreading habit and rich yellow and orange fall foliage brings additional flare to the landscape. Plant near entries and patios to enjoy the fragrance. Deciduous





Quince ‘Dbl. Take Scarlett’

Quince Double Take Scarlet

Blooms early spring

Double Take Scarlet puts on a spectacular early spring display of large red, double flowers. The Double Take quinces are more than just pretty spring flowers: thornless and deer-resistant, they do not produce fruit, and once established, are drought-tolerant survivalists.







Butterfly Bush ‘Pugster’

Butterfly Bush ‘Pugster’

Blooms summer through fall

A whole new look for butterfly bush! What makes a space-saving dwarf butterfly bush even better? Full sized flowers! Pugster® butterfly bushes are the first to offer large, dense blooms on a small frame for maximum impact in the landscape. Continuous blooming habit means that you’ll enjoy the taffy-pink flowers of Pugster Pink® from summer through frost without deadheading. Perhaps best of all, the thick, heavy stems of Pugster butterfly bushes ensure better hardiness and winter survival in cold areas than other dwarf butterfly bushes.





Symphoricarpos ‘Proud Berry’

Coral Berry 'Proud Berry'

Coral Berry ‘Proud Berry’

Berries in the fall

Proud Berry® coralberry makes it unbelievably easy to fill your landscape with these unique pink berries, guaranteed to turn heads. Cute, rounded, bluish-green leaves look handsome all season, then, in late summer, bell-shaped flowers appear. As the season changes to autumn, the flowers develop into large dark pink berries, the color intensifying with cold weather. As pretty as it is, this North American native is also amazingly tough, effortlessly fending off deer, cold weather, and problem soils. The fruit is not edible, but may be eaten by birds in mid-late winter. This plant makes an excellent cut flower for fall arrangements.



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New Plants